Shipping policy
We ship worldwide so you can expect to get your purchase within 7 -12 working days. We don't like our customers to have a long wait time for their item(s) this is why we insist on all our suppliers working diligently.
Please be aware depending on where you are, worldwide orders can take longer but we promise to get your item(s) to you as fast as we can!
Shipping Method
Order processing is 2 - 3 business days Shipping timelines are estimates and are not guaranteed. For a more specific delivery ETA based on the exact item(s) you want to purchase, please message us via WhatsApp, Email, and Messenger.
- Standard Shipping - 10 to 15 business days (free shipping in most countries)
- Express Shipping - 5 to 9 business days (additional rates)
Express Shipping Notes
According to local customs regulations, customers need to cooperate with customs clearance and pay taxes. If customers are unwilling to pay the tax, please choose other/standard shipping methods.
Corona Virus (Covid 19)
We are currently seeing minor delays in our shipping times but please be aware that this may change as this situation develops. We are monitoring this daily and prioritize the health of our staff and our customers above other business considerations. We wish all our customers to stay safe, stay well and above all try and stay at home.